Training Profile
Name: Greg Schumann
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 lbs
Training since: 2013
Specialties include: Strength and conditioning, aesthetics, HIIT, corporate wellness.
Q: When and how did you get into fitness?
A: I initially began towards the end of high school because I hated how small I was. At 18, I was
125 pounds. That insecurity peaked my interest in the gym then going to college got me hooked. I no longer had any sports to play. Combine that with the opportunity to reinvent myself as so many people do in college I became obsessed.
Q: What has your fitness journey been like?
A: As I said before, my lightest was 125. I actually began at 135 and lost 10 pounds before gaining any weight then shot up a hundred pounds to 225 over the next couple of years. I remember the exact moment I realized I wasn’t the ripped Thor-like superhuman I thought I was. I took pictures of myself convinced I was professional bodybuilder material only to be left wondering who the chunk in the photos was. I could not believe there was no visible muscle to be seen. From there I started taking nutrition seriously. Two years later I was living in Tokyo and started measuring my food. That was the moment everything clicked into place and I went from sort of in shape to the next level. I walk around at 185-190 pounds and 8-12% body fat depending on the season.
Q: What’s your favorite kind of workout and exercise?
A: My favorite kind of workout is a blend of resistance training and HIIT. I feel my best physically and mentally after challenging myself in all areas including explosiveness, endurance, and coordination.
As for exercise, it varies with my mood. A recent discovery of mine is how healthy my shoulders and lower back feel after I do overhead squats. Because of how great I feel from doing them, they are my favorite...for now.
Q: What kind of training do you provide your clients?
A: I’m a firm believer that everything is connected and, as such, a well rounded fitness routine is essential. A typical session consists of strength, endurance, balance, and more.
Q: Can you explain Corporate Wellness?
A: It's become a big part of the fitness and wellness industry. Residential and commercial businesses are doing more for their residents and tenants by providing programs such as exercise classes or corporate massage. Wellness initiatives like this are proven to deliver a 6:1 Return on Investment. It's been great to break into this industry and we're just starting to really grow.
Q: What are your current fitness and wellness goals?
A: I'm pretty content with my level of fitness at the moment. I feel good, I like the way I look, and I'm confident in my abilities. That said, I'm at the point in my life where the rest of my life takes precedent. So, if I'm able to make progress, albeit it small, while pursuing my career, relationship, and other aspects of my life, I would be happy. I have already learned a lot about "fitness as a part of a lifestyle" over "fitness as a lifestyle" during this pursuit.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you see people make with hitting their goals?
A: Planning doesn't count as doing. I see people research their meals, get quotes on gym memberships and trainer costs, and schedule times to workout. None of this is productive. It's all a prelude to productivity. You haven't actually done anything until you do something. Don't reward yourself for planning and don't wait until Monday to start. You haven't earned it, and you won't.
Q: What's your best fitness advice?
A: Consistency is everything. Whether it's nutrition or exercise, consistency is key. Most people look back over the past week and can tell you every good meal they ate. You need to flip the script. You should be able to look back over at least a month and list every bad meal or drink you've had.
I aim for a 90:10 diet. 90% good, 10% bad. You might think that's unrealistic but if you aim for 90, you'll probably achieve 80. If you start off aiming for 75, you'll achieve 65 and that's not acceptable. Shoot for the stars and you'll land on the moon.
To train with Greg or go to our website to learn more about our services or contact us.